To get help making sense of experiences in their lives that are increasingly causing discomfort on a day to day basis. The sorts of difficulties commonly experienced are:
- Relationship difficulties
- Loss of motivation at work and at home
- Loss and grief issues
- Experiencing oneself as behaving in ways which don’t make sense such as overreacting to little things
- Feeling disconnected from others
- Decreased interest in activities which were previously enjoyed
- A general feeling of not being oneself
- Recurring troubling thoughts and feelings
- A sense of purposelessness
- Ongoing sadness not related to specific loss situation
- A feeling that 'where I am in my life is not how I thought it would be'
- Increased use of avoidance and procrastination at work
- Increased use of alcohol and other forms of self-medication
- Unwelcome changes in normal patterns such as sleeping, eating and exercising
- Unexplained physical issues such as continual tiredness and headaches
- General sense of not having much fun and laughter